Friday, May 31, 2019
Facing Our Fears in Science Fiction Essay -- Science Fiction Films Bo
Facing Our Fears in Science Fiction The dead are walking. They lumber and limp, feet scraping against the asphalt. Suddenly, they lunge and schism down into soft, warm, vulnerable flesh with startling speed. Not far behind, oozing inside-out hellhounds growl around razor fangs, stalking with murderous intent. All because of an gratis(p) little airborne chemical weaponThis cant be happening, this would never happen, right? It may sound far fetched, and it is. These horrifying creatures grace the cover song of current blockbuster hit, Resident Evil 2 Apocalypse. So youre safe. For now. But why are these images on screen so terrifying to us? Why do we cringe and gasp and sigh with giddy relief when its all over? Because weve just been given a brush with death. single of our greatest common fears came to life, and we stared it straight in the face and lived to tell about it. And thats why well keep coming back. After all, that is how science fiction films produce maintained their popularity and appeal for over fifty years now they take whatever common fears our current society possesses and reflect them back at us. cubic decimetre years ago, computers were as yet unheard of, and the world was still a very large place. Society was not so much concerned with trouble oneself within itself, but with assault from outside forces. According to film critic John Brosnan in Future Tense, the end of World War II sparked the author of the Golden Age of science fiction (73). The war was over, but the Communist threat was still out there, and with the unleashing of the atomic bomb fear of a full-of-the-moon scale nuclear war bordered on paranoia. Families built bomb shelters in their backyards and schools held air raid drills for their c... ...he dead walking. We love to ask ourselves, This cant be happening This would never happen Right? Wrong. Works Cited Brosnan, John . Future Tense. New York St. Martins P, Inc., 1978. Dirks, Tim. Science Fiction films. May 1996. 02 Oct. 2004 . Glass, Fred. Sign of the Times. Film quarterly 38 (1984) 16-27. Menville, Douglas . A Historical and Critical survey of the Science Fiction Film. Diss. U of Southern California, 1959. New York Arno P Inc., 1974. Senior, W.A.. Blade Runner and Cyberpunk Visions of Humanity. Film Criticism 21 (1996) 1-12. Telotte, J.P.. The Problem of the Real and THX 1138. Film Criticism 34 (2000) 45-57. Warwick, Kevin. The Matrix - Our Future? The Philosophy of the Matrix. 20 Nov.2002 14 Oct. 2004
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Chrysanthemums Essays -- essays papers
Chrysanthemums A good writer has legion(predicate) tools at hand that help them develop good news report lines. There are literary techniques such as voice, point of view, character, theme, and symbolism. One very interesting technique is that of symbolism. With symbolism the author is able to write a myth in which many of the actions around the main character seem to enhance the way the character develops. The use of symbolism to develop the characters is easy to see in the short story the chrysanthemums by John Steinback. In this story Steinback writes of a adult female who lives on a farm but the woman feels trapped, and wishes that she could free herself. The author uses both the clock of year and the location to develop a setting that compliments the feelings of the main character. The story starts off saying, The high Gray-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas vale from the sky and from the rest of the world.(Steinback 267)from the first sentence the author is d eveloping a setting that compliments the character. At this point in time of the story nil is known about the Elisa Allen, but this quote about how the Salinas valley is closed off from the world is a symbol of the struggle that Elisa is presently to face. The second sentence of this story reinforces that the this place is isolated by saying, On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and do the great valley a closed pot. (Steinback 267) The symbol of a closed pot works in conjunction with the first sentence to give an topic to the extent of how hard it would be to escape the pressure of the isolation that Elisa is feeling. The symbol of living on a farm helps Steinback show Elisas isolation. Location is not the only symbol that Stinback uses in this sto... ... story that all of these symbols take on full meaning. A person who read this story only once may not pick up on the symbol of the valley holding Elisa back, confining her to do conventional womans tasks. The time symbol in the story shows how Elisa is anticipating that something would happen to change the way that things are. Then the bath where Elisa cleanses herself from the confining restrictive role symbolizes the moment in time where Elisa grows up to be a woman. All these symbols work together to show Elisa Allens character. Without them this story would have had a simple plot line where a woman grows some flowers, and then goes out with her husband. However, with all the symbols there is a story about a woman who is struggling with herself to break free from the traditional womans role, and in the end learns that she has grown up to become a woman.
Description of eclipse in The Eclipse by Virginia Woolf :: essays research papers
Description of eclipse in "The Eclipse" by "Virginia Woolf"Virginia Woolf, English novelist, essayist, and tyro has beautifully portrayed the natural phenomenon of eclipse. She has also enlightened the importance of the sun. She has narrated the essay dramatic wholey and has regarded sun as an actor that was going to come on the stratum to perform as if a drama was going on. The sky served as a stage. She has made the scene vivid and ravishing by the usage of colors, images and similes. The itinerary she has described it is so highly coloured and realistic that the readers visualize the eclipse to be occurring before their eyes. People were anxiously going towards a hilltop from where all would view the sun with reverence. People had gathered on the hilltop and stood in a straight line that it seemed they were statues standing on the edge of the world. As the sun rose, clouds glowed up. Light gleamed and peered over the rim of the clouds. The sun raced towards th e point where eclipse had to take place. But the clouds were impeding it. The sun with a tremendous speed endeavoured to escape the mist. At some point it came forth then again was shrouded by the fleecy clouds. The sun then appeared hollow as the moon had come in count of it. A substantial proportion of the Sun was covered and the loss of daylight became noticeable. The writer has efficaciously described the suns efforts to break free from the miry hurdle. She has always personified sun as it was putting its best efforts to make its face appear before the world. The clouds were stifling the suns speed. The sanctified twenty-four seconds had begun however still the sun was entrapped and was striving to disencumber itself from the clump of clouds. Of the twenty-four seconds only five remained, and still he was obscured. The time of the eclipse was passing and it seemed that the sun was losing. It was continuously obliterated by the clouds. The colours of the valleys seemed to dis appear. Everything was fading as All the colour began to go from the moor. The colours were changing, The blue turned to purple, the white became livid as at the approach of a violent but windless storm. Pink faces went green, and it became colder than ever. The light and warmth were vanishing.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Mill on the Floss :: essays research papers
The pulverisation on the Floss is a book writtenby George Eliot, whose real name is Mary Anne (laterMarian) Evans. There is a great deal of autobiography in thisbook. The facts of Mary Annes life do not couple MaggieTulliver, but there is an obvious reflection of her own life.Book One Chapter1-13 The novel opens up with adescription of the countryside around the town of St. Oggsand the river Floss. In the piece chapter Maggie, Mr.Tulliver, Mrs. Tulliver, and Mr. Riley are introduced. Mr.Tulliver states his intention to send tomcat to a different school.In the third chapter Mr. Riley gives his advice roughly a schoolfor Tom. In the forth chapter Mr. Tulliver goes after Tom, duration Mr. Tulliver is gone you learn about that Maggiesmother is concerned mainly with what her family thinks. Inthe fifth chapter Tom is residence and you learn that he cares forhis sister Maggie deeply, and that Toms opinion is preciseimportant to Maggie. In the sixth chapter the Tullivers aregetting ready for the aunts and uncles to arrive. In theseventh chapter the family arrives and you are introduced toMrs. Glegg, Mrs. Pullet, Mrs. Deane and Maggies first cousinLucy. Mr. Tulliver states his intention to send Tom to schooland it is met with opposition. In the eighth chapter he goes tohis brother-in-laws house to demand the money that heowes him so that he can wage his wifes sister Mrs. Glegg. Inchapter nine you read about the Tullivers going to visit thePullets. In the tenth chapter Maggie pushed Lucy in the mudbecause she is receiving most of Toms attention. When Tomgoes to tell on her she oversteps off and cant be found. In theeleventh chapter Maggie decides to run away to the gypsies,but after learning how poor they were and how little of foodthey had she decides to go back home. In the twelfthchapter you read that St. Ogg is named for its patron saintwho showed grace on a woman and child. St. Ogg is the townwhere the Gleggs live. In the thirteenth chapter Mr. Tulliver borrows money from a client of his doddering enemy Wakem.Book One Chapter 1-7 In the offshoot chapter of this bookTom is at school, and he is Stellings only student. Maggiegoes to visit him in October. In the second chapter Tom getsto come home for Christmas. Mr. Tulliver has a lawsuitagainst Mr. Pivart , his contiguous door neighbor. It has alsobecome known that Wakems son will be sent to school withThe Mill on the Floss essays research papers The Mill on the Floss is a book writtenby George Eliot, whose real name is Mary Anne (laterMarian) Evans. There is a great deal of autobiography in thisbook. The facts of Mary Annes life do not match MaggieTulliver, but there is an obvious reflection of her own life.Book One Chapter1-13 The novel opens up with adescription of the countryside around the town of St. Oggsand the river Floss. In the second chapter Maggie, Mr.Tulliver, Mrs. Tulliver, and Mr. Riley are introduced. Mr.Tulliver states his intention to send Tom to a different sc hool.In the third chapter Mr. Riley gives his advice about a schoolfor Tom. In the forth chapter Mr. Tulliver goes after Tom,while Mr. Tulliver is gone you learn about that Maggiesmother is concerned mainly with what her family thinks. Inthe fifth chapter Tom is home and you learn that he cares forhis sister Maggie deeply, and that Toms opinion is veryimportant to Maggie. In the sixth chapter the Tullivers aregetting ready for the aunts and uncles to arrive. In theseventh chapter the family arrives and you are introduced toMrs. Glegg, Mrs. Pullet, Mrs. Deane and Maggies cousinLucy. Mr. Tulliver states his intention to send Tom to schooland it is met with opposition. In the eighth chapter he goes tohis brother-in-laws house to demand the money that heowes him so that he can pay his wifes sister Mrs. Glegg. Inchapter nine you read about the Tullivers going to visit thePullets. In the tenth chapter Maggie pushed Lucy in the mudbecause she is receiving most of Toms attention. When Tomgo es to tell on her she runs off and cant be found. In theeleventh chapter Maggie decides to run away to the gypsies,but after learning how poor they were and how little of foodthey had she decides to go back home. In the twelfthchapter you read that St. Ogg is named for its patron saintwho showed pity on a woman and child. St. Ogg is the townwhere the Gleggs live. In the thirteenth chapter Mr. Tulliverborrows money from a client of his old enemy Wakem.Book One Chapter 1-7 In the first chapter of this bookTom is at school, and he is Stellings only student. Maggiegoes to visit him in October. In the second chapter Tom getsto come home for Christmas. Mr. Tulliver has a lawsuitagainst Mr. Pivart , his next door neighbor. It has alsobecome known that Wakems son will be sent to school with
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Cons Of Cloning :: essays research papers
Many people say that everyone in the world has a twin. Today, science and technology has the ability to make this myth reality by means of the process of cloning. I am strongly against cloning for many reasons. People should not utilize cloning because it would destroy individuality and uniqueness, cause overpopulation, animal cruelty, it is against ethical motive and ethics, and it violates many religious beliefs. In order to strongly argue against cloning, there must be an understanding of its process and what exactly it is. Simply stated, a clone is a duplicate just like a photocopy. A good example of such copies that occur are identical twins, which are duplicates of each other. The archetypical step of deoxyribonucleic acid cloning is to isolate a complete gene and is to chromosomal sequences and then to gradually begin flaking the chromosomal sequences of a single DAN molecule. accordingly the DNA clone can be electronically labeled and used as a probe to isolate the chro mosomal sequences from a collection of several(predicate) types of genes, which should contain cloned sequences that would represent the whole gene. This action will produce new sets of cloned cells identical to the mother cell. The new set of cells are isolated and likewise the change process is repeated all over again until the cells form a complete organ. In order to produce a complete organism the DNA must be altered in a variety of way to come out with the finished product to be the complete organism. In frank terms, a cell is taken from a donor woman. Then an unfertilized clump is taken from a second woman. The DNA from the cell is removed and transferred to the egg. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate mother. The resulting baby is genetically identical to the original donor. Human cloning destroys individuality and uniqueness. What makes people unique is the fact that we run through different genes and cloning would lose these important parts of our bodies makeup. There would be less of a variety of people and everyone would be the same. This would not only be the good qualities, but also the bad that would pass on. Since clones and the original donor will look alike and have the same DNA, it would be nearly undoable to tell the difference. Overtime, they would lose their individuality and uniqueness. For example, say a crime was committed.
Cons Of Cloning :: essays research papers
Many people say that everyone in the world has a twin. Today, science and technology has the ability to make this myth reality through the process of cloning. I am strongly against cloning for many reasons. People should non utilize cloning because it would destroy individuality and uniqueness, cause overpopulation, animal cruelty, it is against morals and ethics, and it violates many religious beliefs. In order to strongly argue against cloning, there must(prenominal) be an understanding of its process and what exactly it is. Simply stated, a clone is a duplicate just like a photocopy. A good congressman of such copies that occur are undistinguishable twins, which are duplicates of each other. The first step of DNA cloning is to isolate a flesh out gene and is to chromosomal sequences and then to gradually begin flaking the chromosomal sequences of a single DAN molecule. Then the DNA clone can be electronically labeled and used as a probe to isolate the chromosomal sequences fr om a collection of different types of genes, which should contain cloned sequences that would represent the whole gene. This action impart produce new sets of cloned cells identical to the mother cell. The new set of cells are isolated and likewise the simplified process is repeated all over again until the cells form a complete organ. In order to produce a complete organism the DNA must be altered in a variety of way to commence out with the finished product to be the complete organism. In simple terms, a cell is taken from a donor woman. Then an unfertilized egg is taken from a second woman. The DNA from the cell is removed and transferred to the egg. The egg is then implanted into a surrogate mother. The resulting baby is genetically identical to the authoritative donor. Human cloning destroys individuality and uniqueness. What makes people unique is the fact that we have different genes and cloning would lose these important parts of our bodies makeup. There would be slight of a variety of people and everyone would be the same. This would not only be the good qualities, but also the bad that would pass on. Since clones and the original donor will look alike and have the same DNA, it would be nearly impossible to tell the difference. Overtime, they would lose their individuality and uniqueness. For example, say a crime was committed.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Integration Paper
ON-THE-JOB TRANING at JR AND R DISTRIBUTORS, INC. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Submitted by Dilag, Mary deck S. Submitted to Juville C. Ranises November 12, 2012 I. Table of Contents I. II. III. IV. Table of Contents Brief History/ Background of the Company/ Company Profile Summary of the OJT Experience Assessment of the OJT/Practicum Program A. bare-ass Knowledge, attitudes, and skills acquired B. Theories actually seen in place C. Feedback that can be disposed(p) to the phoner or institution D. Benefits gained E. Problems EncounteredRelated reading Theories Actually Seen in PracticeV. Appendices A. Company folder and/ or pamphlet B. Copy of Endorsement Letter C. Copy of the formulation Plan D. Copy of the signed Waiver Form E. Daily Time enrol F. Quarterly Performance Appraisal Form G. surety of Completion 2 I. BRIEF HISTORY, BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY/COMPANY PROFILE ? History JR&R Distributors, Inc. was real ised in March 1993 and appointed as the Authorized Distributor of Procter & Gamble Philippines, Inc. for the CAMANAVA (Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas & Valenzuela) area. It began its business with eight (8) delivery vans and a stooling slap-up of Php 10M a month.At the same(p) time, it consisted of manpower of 20. Four months after, it was awarded the Novaliches and Quezon City Area. In April 2001, the area of Bulacan was given to JR&R. Since then, the company has continued to expand. To sidereal day, JR&R stands as one of the biggest Procter & Gamble distributors in the country. Its working capital has increased to Php 150M with a manpower complement of over 1,000 employees and operates with one hundred twenty-four (124) delivery vans and trucks. ? Work Values The company believes that good values translate a strong backbone to a growing company. The ompany supports values to guide all employees in maintaining high standards of ethical conduct and behavior. These values are ? satin flower being truthful and up front with our co-workers, customers, communities and shareholders. ? INTEGRITY saying what we mean and meaning what we say delivering what we promise standing for what is right. ? RESPECT treating one another with forthrightness and dignity appreciating the unique abilities and strengths of the individual and the advantages of diversity. ? TRUST building team spirit and confidence by communicating openly and honestly and delivering our promises. RESPONSIBILITY taking the foremost to speak up and report concerns regarding ethical conduct and to seek reliable guidance when in doubt. ? CITIZENSHIP AND PATRIOTISM obeying the laws of the land and taking an active role in making the communities where we operate better. ? Teamwork at JR & R The Company values TEAM relationship among employees regardless of rank. The Company believes that employees work to acheher in harmony to meet given responsibilities and that everyone strives to maintain and be a part of the organization in the attainment of INDUSTRIAL PEACE.As a member of the TEAM, every employee exerts his best efforts for the company to accomplish active leaders in the industry, something that every employee would be proud of. 4 ? JR & R Distributors, Inc. Vision We are the undisputed leader in our area of province in terms of market share and profitable volume growth. Our business processes and customer service are most preferred by our customers over that of versed and external competitors. We continue to lead in current best approaches and innovate on best practices for effectiveness and efficiency.We are the envy of our peers, competitors and customers in our manner and aim of business results. We are an organization of world class employees. Our success lies in the ownership of our people on core processes and results. Our employees can handle multiple tasks and responsibilities. Our sustainable growth comes from our drive to continually improve and excel. Our p eople are highly motivated and well compensated for their business and personal contribution to the company. Financial leadership is our key strength. We excel in using financial data to plan, analyze and improve our business.We are the benchmark for cost efficiency in the industry. Our expertise in cost management allows us to reinvest long term and improve our employees standard of living and increase our leadership share in the market. Together, we are the No. 1 Distributor always in all ways. III. SUMMARY OF THE OJT EXPERIENCE Finally my 486 hours of OJT is finally done. For a month and a half I learned a lot of things. I had my OJT at JR & R Distributors Inc, at first its hard for me to wake up too early and ride all merely to office and specially riding a bus but as time goes by my body is now used to my daily routine.On our first day we had our orientation where we talked about the history of the company, the people behind its success, the policies, benefits, codes of conduc ts, etc. And then Maam Louise route us to the whole company for us to be familiar with the place, she introduced us to the whole group of Human Resource Department and as well as to the other department and companies that are under the JR and R Distributors Group of Companies. And excessively this is the first time that we met our buddy in the office the PHOTOCOPY MACHINE Maam Regine is the one who taught us the dos and donts of the machine.What I learned and experience during OJT is that talent alone is not enough. It is important, but it is no guarantee of success. One must also be hard-working and should practice self-discipline. Sacrifice is important, too. I learned how to love my job and all the staffs. I learned to hold dear the work given to me. I was so dedicated that I do all my best to give correct service but sometimes there were errors. 6 For me on-the-job training gives us a smell of the real worlda glimpse of what lies ahead after we graduate.Ive been too caught up with work as if I were actually a regular employee of the company and as if I were being compensated for my work. I guess it comes with the territory of being a/an practicum, OJT, intern. I would have preferred it to be this way though rather than doing nothing at all or being made as gophers. If theres anything that Ive learned to do, more than anything else, its enhancing my conversation skills and enhancing my skills in the field of Information Technology. I kind of feel proud of myself. I started out with nothing and worried as hell that I wouldnt be able to do the job.In sum, the whole OJT experience wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, the 486 hours was a breeze pull up for those days when I had a hard time waking up, when traffic was really bad and when I was feeling lazy and out of it. Going to work and seeing some friendly faces helped a great deal. Having to do OJT with friends made it a whole lot easier for me. Furthermore, Im very grateful that they break in me so much on what I must know regarding the work which suits my course. Im very thankful that they treat me like them and they trust me with my work.I appreciate so much the working environment I had within the company because it helps me absorbed what I need to know. IV. ASSESSMENT OF THE OJT /PRACTICUM PROGRAM A. New acquaintance, attitudes, and skills acquired We learned how to act with unlike people and how to be more flexible and how to be more responsible when it comes to our duties specially in monitoring the system, we also learned how to used different software applications used by our company. B. Theories actually seen in practice A Marketing and Information Technology theory is always what we seen. C.Feedback that can be given to the company or institution Working in JR and R Distributors, Inc. Company is a great experience, working with my co workers is not that much pressure and they also provide a allowance for their OJT trainee. 8 D. Benefits gained Experience i s gained through time. The longer I do something the more I learn. The faster I gain knowledge & become a productive employee. I become more familiar with interpersonal relationships, networking, responsibility and the importance of interdependence within the working environment and I provided with job experience, an invaluable asset for achieving gainful employment.E. Problems encountered Making mistake on my first day is so embarrassing and during On-the-job training is that you have to get along with the employees. You have to know them better. And in technical part we encountered down system. V. APPENDICES A. Company Brochure and/or pamphlet 10 B. Endorsement Letter C. Training Plan D. Waiver Form 12 D. Waiver Form E. Daily Time Record 14 16 F. Appraisal Form 18 G. Certificate of Completion
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Infection control Essay
1.1bacteria are one celled micro-organisms that get their nutrients fro their environment to live eg The human body. Bacteria causes infections and post reproduce either inside or outside the body.Viruses are pieces of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) wrapped in a thin coat of protein. Viruses inquire to be inside living cells to grow and reproduce. They do not survive long unless they are inside a living thing eg person, plant or animal. This is called a host.Fungi are multi celled plant like organisms. They can not make their own food, instead getting their nutrition from plants, people and animals.Parasites may be protozoa, yeasts or multi cellular organisms like fungi or worms, that live inside or on their host to obtain nourishment without providing any benefit to their host.1.2bacterial infections sore throats (tonsillitis, strep throat), ear infections, pneumonia Viral infections Chickenpox, Measles, Flu, HIVFungal infections Athletes foot, ThrushParasitical infections Scabies, Malaria, Legionnaires Disease, Dysentery, Ring Worm1.3Infection begins when an organism successfully colonises by entering the body, ontogeny and multiplying.1.4Localised infection is an infection that is in a specific part or region ofthe body, while Systemic infection in one that affects the exclusively body, usually travelling by blood or lymph.1.5Inadequate hand washing, not wearing PPE, not following proper food preparation guidelines, omit of risk assessments, and staff not following procedures and incorrect disposal of waste are all poor practises that may lead to the spread of infection.OUTCOME 2 UNDERSTAND THE TRANSMITION OF INFECTION2.1Most micro-organisms require food, warmth, moisture, oxygen and time in orger to grow and multiply.2.2An infective agent my enter the body by inhalation, ingestion or sexual transmition. The infective agent may enter on the hand or other parts of the body where there are cuts or sores or broken skin.2.3Common sources of infection can inc lude direct skin to skin contact, body fluids, human waste and blood. Droplets can be produced by cough out or sneezing and be carried through the air or dust. Infections can also be carried in water or with via contact with animals.2.4Transmition of infective agents can be direct, for example person to person, or indirect eg by water, food, animals or in the air.2.5Key factors that make infection more likely are if soulfulness has low immunity, s in young babies, children or the elderly, People who already have low immunity because of other health problems, or if you have well-defined cuts or wounds and come in to contact with an infected person.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Media Literacy Essay
Literacy gives us minorities the ability to read and write. Today, we get most our data through an interwoven system of media technologies. The ability to read um young types of media has become an essential skill in the 21st Century. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media. I came up with this topic because Media literate offspring and adults every(prenominal) over America to better understand the complex messages we receive from television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, video games, music, and all opposite forms of media.Media preempt set content that seems and is more or less real, still, it is our duty as the viewers to be able to distinguish, and differentiate between reflections of reality, and constructions of reality. The prime targets of the media ar junior people because they so unwittingly hope everything the media tells them, from how to talk, how to dress, and how to relate to others. Media lite racy skills are included in the educational standards of every state in language arts, social studies, health, science, and other subjects.My potential strength is giving my audience various types of important effects of global media literacy such as education ,health related issues, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, body image, fleshiness, sex distractions , escape of familiarity and all types of sports that does and does not effects our globalisation. I look fored and found out many researchers see discovered that media literacy is an effective and engaging way to apply decisive thinking skills to a wide range of issues. My main Importance I want my audience to know about media literacy, according to Edward Donnerstein who is a study research interests in mass-media violence, as well as mass media policy. He has published over 240 scientific articles in these general areas and serves on the editorial boards of a chassis of academic journals in both psychology and communication.Donn erstein States that in his book Media literacy skills weed help youth and adults by developing critical thinking skills, Understanding how media messages digit our culture and society ,recognize, bias, spin ,mis study, lies and also evaluate media messages based on our own experiences, skills, beliefs, and values. I learned from Donnerstein that this project with media literacy fit within the existing globalization because media literacy is a delicate issue that has some good and bad effects on everyone in todays society. For example, Communication has become a major tool to connect if we want to travel to Africa or learnabout Australia information is at our fingertips .We can text someone instantly and get a response back from Russia immediately. We can call someone over Skype in India and talk for free on our computer for as long as we want. not to mention Facebook and Twitter which have become the most popular social networking tools on the world.My study according to Cole VT 2006, an article on television and obesity talks about how the media has strong influence over public thought because of the universal demand of the media, because of the accessibility of media it becomes more influential to those who chequer it and the viewers who believe the ideas and stereotypes portrayed through the media nevertheless, they become the individuals who become influenced by the media. The media demonstrates the ability to create and influence those who watch television however, one particular group that the media has targeted is children. Television and lucre has allowed for the expansion of knowledge to expand globally, but also has the ability to corrupt the mind of the youth. Cole gives us audience a quote statingThe expansion of knowledge is spreading and so is the waist size of the American youth.It has been established that television, internet and social medial allows for children to become educated through these conventional outlets however children shou ld be limited to a minimal substance of television because there is correlation between excessive television, internet and an increase in BMI, which has been linked towards the causes of obesity in children. Obesity effect childrens who consume a significant am out of television such as erratic behavior, less sprightly in physical activity, deprivation of sleep, mood swings, Increase in laziness, and increase in weight again which consents of obesity. concord to Kong JP, in 2010 his Journal of ball club for cultivation in new net environment in B&H. children who watch up to three hours of television on average, watching up to at least(prenominal) 40,000 TV commercial per year and developing a favorite television show or program that retains their attention. Based on the fact these impacts can scarper to a significant decline in health and overall performance of children. If these bad habits remain continuance this could lead to an unhealthy life and unhealthy habits, which ca n ultimately be fatal.However, we farms need to set a good example, because they are role models for their child, and the behavior that children have is usually a replica of the parents. several(prenominal) parents allow for children to be consumed by television, while theygallivant in their own activities instead of spending time with their child. By allowing a child to consistently watch television instead of being active in a physical activity can result in the child becoming lazy. It is important to advocate your child to do other activities outside of watching television, so its good not to invest all your time on television and father an outside source for entertainment. For instance, if a child asks to play with their mom or dad and the mom tell their child I do not have time, go watch television. Ultimately, the child will begin to rely on the television as there daily activity. It is imperative as a parent that you find quality time to spend with your child and that qua lity time should be spent away from the television.My Methodology of data I collected passim a quantitative and qualitative research study is that I gain from Elsevier Health Sciences that it is imperative to understand that childhood obesity is at all-time high, and as the years increase so does the sizes of the American children. If children are going to is watching a significant measurement of television and internet daily there should be other alternatives and activities provided in place of the television. For instance, for every amount of television or technology being used will result in the same amount of time spent actively engaging in an activity that does not require you to sit in front of the television or , or iPad, Xbox 360 and and so on Also, it is recommended that a maximum of two hours should be spent watching these technologies.According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2001), it is recommended in order to help reduce the amount of television and internet being consumed is to not watch television or use technologies while eating meals, remove all televisions from blatant/obvious places in the houses, such as the living room. There should be no television located in the childrens room because children will stay up all night with their eyes fixated at the television or technologies. Also, its good to implement days without television and to plan family activities that allow to children engage actively. By constrictive the amount of hours spent on television and internet can help reduce the risk of children becoming obese and allow for them to find other activities that can be beneficial to their growth and allow for them to live a healthy life. Childrens greatest exposure to violence comes from television.TV shows, movies edited for television, and video games introduce young children to a level of violence unimaginable just afew years ago. According to Salmon J, Campbell KJ, Crawford DA states in their Journal of Society for develop ment in new net environment in B&H that majority of teenagers and children today know the underlying themes of the media, and know that it is all write even the violence, however, the matter of fact is that teenagers can relate so much to the themes in the media that they slowly begin to believe it. Once they get introduced to the characters, they gradually suck in to consider them real and starts to partipate in bad behavior Cambell states in his journal that our community in todays society face many obstacles with our youth and the media that is destroying the foundation of familys and juvenile delinquency.For example, social learning theory, strain theory and control theory, just to name a few, are typically postulated for being directly related our media juvenile delinquency. In dealing with all of these effects and how they play a role with delinquency the question still remains as to whether or not higher crime rates in juveniles are significantly increased when media plays a big factor. The media has the ability to influence social constructed ideas and creating stratification amongst minorities and ethnic groups allowing for the uses of the television and social media outlets to become addicting. As a result of this addiction it enable individuals such as children to become or remain fixated on these primitive idea of life. And because of this strong addiction towards being entertained it is important to stay tuned to the media and the most up to date gossip or the newest television show.However, According to Tracy Marie Scull who is The National Association for Media Literacy Educations Journal of Media Literacy Education talks about sex in her article she states,During adolescence, young people are exposed to information about sex from a myriad of sources including mass media Adolescents frequently cite mass media as a pristine source of information about sex (Sutton et al. 2002). Somewhat surprisingly, the media far out flagrant parents or schoo ls as a source of information about birth control for 15-19-year-olds .In fact, young teens (ages 13-15) rank entertainment media as their top source for information about sexuality and sexual health.Unfortunately, while the media are communicating a plethora of sexual messages, many of those messages would not be considered accurate or healthy. For example, while the amount of sexual content on TV has nearly doubled since 1997 very few teen television shows mention any of theresponsibilities or risks (e.g., using contraception, pregnancy, STIs) associated with sex and almost none of the shows with sexual content include precaution, prevention, or negative outcomes as the primary theme.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Feminist Times: a Jury of Her Peers Essay
Susan Glaspell was born in 1882 she wrote a short story called A instru ment panel of Her Peers based on her prevail Trifles. Susan Glaspell received a degree in philosophy from Drake University. She became a newspaper reporter in Des Moines. The writer married a freethinker who believed in free love. In 1916 the author was inspired to write the play Trifles based on a murder case she covered on the job.One social class later in 1917, she creates the short story. Mrs. Glaspell has stated that promotes all progressive movements. Her short story A Jury of Her Peers is very touching and judgmental. In her story she is telltale(a) moments that define the womens personalisedities and lives. This short story is symbolizing how the women felt, what roles they play in society, and what the women saw as a worry was considered little to none importance by men.In this short story, how women felt was of no matter. For instance, Minnie Wright wings life was compared to the life of a bird in a cage. Mrs. Wrights life was full of seclusion with nowhere to go. She was trapped in a cage just like the bird. Mrs. Hale remembered Minnie Wright as Minnie nurse before she got married to John Wright. Mrs. Hale states that Minnie Foster once had a beautiful voice just like the bird once had one too. I wish youd seen Minnie Foster when she wore a blank dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang. (Glaspell, Page 264) The beautiful voice of both Minnie Wrights and the birds was taken away by a heartless man. Men in those times had no respect for how women felt. John Wright was a cruel man who killed the bird with disregard to her feelings. As the bird died, a piece of her heart died as well.She was going to bury it in that pretty box. (Glaspell, Page 264) Her only friend and connection to the world was taken away. As a consequence, Mr. Wrights life was taken. During the old time, the role that women played in society was based on their husbands. For example , Mrs. Hale was married to Mr. Hale who was a farmer. She was known as the farmers wife. Mrs. Peters was married to Mr. Peters who happened to be the sheriff. In the eyes of society she was known as the lady married to the law.In the book Mr. Peters states Married to the law (Glaspell, Page 265) These women have no individual identity. Who they were, was determined by their husbands. The women were never called by their first names. They were called by their husbands subsist name. In those days, women had no say or opinion. They had to do what their husbands would tell them to do. Who they would be for the rest of their life was established by the man they married.Decades ago, what women saw as a worry was considered little to none importance by men. Men back then were ignorant to what was obvious and right in front of their faces. The women saw the footling details of what was happening or did happen. They put those dwarfish details together and found the motive as to why Mrs. W right killed her husband. In the story A Jury of Her Peers, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters noticed all the small details that were clues. When Minnie asked that they check on her preserves. Mr. Hale commented women are used to worrying over trifles. (Hedges, web)The reliever was one of the clues that gave the ladies a scare.They were trying to figure out why the quilt was done so well, nevertheless towards the middle looked wrong. The ladies were puzzled as to if Minnie Wright was going to knot or quilt it. They understood that it described Minnies life. It looked nice and pretty on the outside, but on the inside her life was mess. The men didnt see or find it. Mr. Henderson the county attorney made a brief smirk about the ladies wonders. They wonder whether she was going to quilt it or just knot it (Glaspell, Page 260) The ladies knew something was very wrong. The men saw it as nothing. The women found a beautiful little box at the bottom of the sewing basket. In the box they found a inanimate bird, but did not mention it to the men.The men were too busy looking for the big clues that they found nothing. All the small details that would convict Minnie Wright were in her personal belongings. Everything that had to do with her everyday life was considered small details or of no value in the mens eyes. In reality, it was all the clues they needed, but overlooked. The small worries of women should never be underestimated and should be considered when trying to understand them. A womans small worries are the clues to discovering the answers.In this mystery of finding all the right clues, the two ladies found them all. This story shows that women are just as smart as men. Sometimes women are even smarter. These two ladies read between the lines and count on out Minnie Wrights life story in just a short period of time. For these women, solving the murder is not a disinterested act, but a cooperative endeavor which leads them to a knowledge essential for their surviv al as females in a hostile or indifferent world. (Ortiz, web) As the men searched for big clues, they found nothing. The women understood what Minnie had endured in her life and choose not to tell the men about the clues. It was their choice not to tell the men and none of them would ever know that the ladies had defied them that day. It was one step closer to gaining their rights.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Biomedical approach Essay
The Biomedical approach includes the administration of various pharmacological agents which can be utilized to treat various mental disorders. It is usually administered for before long durations in combination with psychotherapy. It brings back to normal the various chemical substances that are present in the brain (neurotransmitters). When the neurotransmitter levels are normal, the effect of psychotherapy would be better. The biomedical approach can be utilized to treat various psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, etc (MINDD Foundation, 2008).The psychodynamic approach includes various theories that utilize the internal drives and forces that may be present in the individual (some of which may be unconscious), to ensure that the individual can undergo a psychological change and get to better go over over several lines. It is effectively utilized in pain management. Psychodynamics is considered to be the interaction of the id, ego and the superego so as to satisfy ones needs (which play an substantial role in the development of the personality). The psychodynamic approach was developed by the followers of Sigmund Freud.This approach gives greater consideration to the unconscious motives that affect behavior, emotions and feelings. The behavior of adults is strongly touch on by the childhood motives (solely Psychology, 2009). The humanistic-existential approach concentrates on the motivations and the needs of the individual and is similar to the psychoanalytical theory. This therapy focuses greater on the free will of the individual rather than on obstructing human nature. This is one of the major differences that are present between humanistic-existential and psychoanalytical approach.It also tends to concentrate greater on solving the problem rather than the problem itself (University of hullo, 2008). Cognitive and behavior therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that involves determining and sorting out improper thoughts (that may be associated with depression), solving various problems and improving the problem-solving skills, and ensuring that deal are able to engage in more enjoyable activities (that can ensure that the individual learns about potentially rewarding activities and performs them in the future) (University of Michigan, 2006). Reference Simply Psychology (2008).Psychodynamic Approach, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web put http//www. simplypsychology. pwp. blueyonder. co. uk/psychodynamic. html The MINDD Foundation (2008). The Biomedical Approach, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site http//mindd. org/s/archives. php/48-Biomedical-Treatments. html The University of Hawaii (2008). The Biological Paradigm, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site http//www2. hawaii. edu/heiby/overheads_%20paradigms. html University of Michigan Depression Center (2006). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Retrieved on May 29, 2009, from Web site http//www. med. umich. edu/depression/cbt. htm
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Lexical Semantics: Hyponyny Networks
Question 2 Not all(a) dictionary definitions contain classifiers, precisely m both(prenominal) an(prenominal) do, and in some cases when you heart up the classifier itself, you find another horizontal more general classifier within its definition. For example, you might like to think about the following definitions from the Collins English Dictionary. colostrum is the thin milky secretion from the nipples that precedes and follows true lactation. It consists largely of serum and white blood cells. A secretion is a marrow squash that is released from a cell, especially a glandular cell, and is synthesized in the cell from round-eyed tickers extracted from the blood or similar fluid.Substance is (1) the tangible basic matter of which a thing consists or (2) a precise type of matter, especially a homogeneous strong with definite or fairly definite chemical composition. Matter is (1) that which makes up something, especially a physical object material. What are the classifiers in these definitions? (Why is this question hard to answer? Can you change the definition to make it easier? ) Draw a diagram to parade the hyponymy chain you constitute in (a), with hyponyms shown below their classifiers. Can you think of any additional levels that you can put in the hyponymy chain in a higher place secretion?Add them. Sebum and saliva are co-hyponyms of colostrum. Add them to the diagram, along with deuce co-hyponyms for each level of the chain. Add distinguishers to your diagram, to differentiate each of the co-hyponyms you have added. On an transcendent level it would seem a simple task to select the different classifiers within each of the supra definitions however, several problems arise which belie this. Colostrum is the easiest to divvy up with as it is the most specific of the four terms, although there is still potential for an error to be made.The only classifier in this description is secretion as, according to Hudson (1995 26) the classifier is the first customary noun that follows is1. Although this syntactic congenatorship is multipurpose as a method of identification, it is not the reason secretion is a classifier of colostrum. Syntactic relationships exist between lexemes, not senses, and are governed by the relationships between senses, thus it is the latter that hyponymic webs represent. The classifier (C) is the judgment that is superordinate to the ense in question (S1) in that S1 moldiness possess enough characteristics of the classifier to make it a type of that concept, even if not a typical one, as well as distinguishers that serve to differentiate it from the classifier and any other co-hyponyms. More simply, S1 is a hyponym of C iff all S1 are a type of C, but not all C are S1 (op cit. 16). Furthermore, classifiers for common nouns will always capture what S1 is, not how or why it is. In the case of colostrum only secretion performs this function we can say that colostrum is a type of secretion.It is imp ortant, however, to refine the concept of what it is if this is taken to include a material concept as well as a typical one, i. e. , what it is made up of or consists of, there is more scope for what can be considered a classifier. Under this description both serum and white blood cell can be considered as classifiers of colostrum. This does not seem to be correct though, as colostrum is not a type of serum or white blood cell, nor does it possess enough of the characteristics of either to qualify as a hyponym.Therefore, in such cases we can occur concepts about the material of which a referent of the given sense consists as candidates for classifiers. Having established the criteria for identifying classifiers it should now be easier to identify those for the remaining senses however, there are merely difficulties. It is safe to say that join is the classifier of secretion according to the supra rule but the use of substance twice in the definition provides potential for confus ion according to the definition for secretion above we can make the following secernment (A) a secretion is a substance1 made up of substances2.The hindrance seems to lie in SUBSTANCE being polysemic (Palmer 1981 100), a fact apparently proven by its having two definitions. This implies that SUBSTANCE1 represents one of the given senses of substance whilst SUBSTANCE2 represents the other, but neither fits with sense (1) as both are a specific type of matter. Therefore, both must be the concept in sense (2) but if SUBSTANCE1 and SUBSTANCE2 do have the same sense statement (A) has no useful meaning, for it to do so SUBSTANCE requires an additional sense. The solution is provided in the definition of secretion SUBSTANCE1 is istinguished from SUBSTANCE2 by the addition of simple to the latter. In this way it can be seen that SUBSTANCE1 refers to sense (2) whereas SUBSTANCE2 refers to a different sense that is related to, but more specific than (2). To avoid such confusion replacing SU BSTANCE2 with a different lexeme could prove useful, e. g. , COMPOUND, although this is not essential so long as we understand that SUBSTANCE is polysemic and we know which sense each refers to. As substance1 has the sense (2) in the definition we shall refer to it as substance (2) and it is this sense that is the classifier for secretion.The definition provided for substance (2) makes identifying the classifier here straightforward as it begins by telling us that it is a specific type of matter (my emphasis), which is the central criteria for hyponymy. So given that matter is the classifier for substance (2) we can now find the next classifier in the chain. It could be assumed that the brevity of the definition makes this task even more simple however, the definition is a consists of statement which rules out any concepts it contains as a classifier. It is thus the case that not all concepts have a superordinate concept.As such we can say that matter sits at the top of the hyponymy chain and is the broadest sense of colostrum. Given this information we can now represent all of the relationships above in the following diagram Fig. 1) Initial hyponymy chain for colostrum. This chain is based solely on the definitions given above however, the claim can be made that this diagram does not contain a complete set of classifiers for colostrum. There are facts about secretion that are not contained in substance (2) but that cannot be considered as unique to it, in particular those about its relationship with beingnesss and organic matter.This claim is based on the fact, as given in the definition, that secretion is a substance particular to cells, which are the constituent parts of an organism. All of this information is unrepresented within the chain as it is because the relationship secretion has with cell is not due to a dual-lane nature or type. When the hyponymy test is applied the mismatch is more evident a secretion is a type of cell. This does not deny that the two are related however, only that they are not the same kind of thing, so instead n alternative way must be found of including and representing this relationship. As cell is the missing concept there must be some sense it shares with secretion. According to my definition of cell many together make up an organism and because any substance that is a secretion is the product of a cell, it can also be considered the product of an organism. We can go a step just and state that both are types of substance particular to organisms, which allows the statement a secretion is a substance particular to organisms.This can be further refined when the concepts glandular and blood are considered as these relate specifically to body, not just to any organism in general. We can thus replace organism and instead state that a secretion is a substance particular to a body or, more concisely, it is a bodily substance. A second gap exists between bodily substance and substance for the same reason a s above arguably, a bodily substance has characteristics shared with other types of particular substance that together constitute a more general type of substance.As mentioned above organism bears a relation to organic material in that all of the substances of which an organism is composed are organic. Given that a body is a kind of organism any bodily substance must also be organic but not all organic material is of the body hence, organic material is a classifier of bodily substance. These new facts can be added to Fig. 1) to provide a more complete sense network Fig. 2) Full hyponymy chain for colostrum.When considering potential co-hyponyms there are two criteria that must be met the co-hyponyms must share most if not all of the sense of the shared classifier but they must be differentiated by at least(prenominal) one distinguisher (Hudson 1995 27). Each of the co-hyponyms in Fig. 3) meets these criteria but this does not mean to imply it is a simple task. Take matter and subst ance (1) the two could initially be considered to be co-hyponyms. This, however, is not the case. Essentially, the definitions for substance1 and matter are the same we could give a definition of matter s that of which a thing consists because CONSISTS OF and MAKES UP have the same sense. Nor does there attend to be any fact about either concept that serves to differentiate them so we must accept that rather than matter and substance (1) bearing a hyponymic relationship they are actually synonyms. As such, SUBSTANCE (1) is nothing more than an alternative lexeme that can be used to represent matter and so can be omitted from the network. Fig. 3) shows that although many of the co-hyponyms do not bear a direct relation to colostrum they are part of a conceptual network that illustrates how senses are related.It also displays the fact that the further up the chain a concept is the broader is the range of its hyponyms because the sense becomes more generalised at each level. Furthermo re, it also shows how concepts can share multiple classifiers and hyponyms. Fig. 3) mastery network for colostrum. Distinguishers can be concise or generalised providing they serve as differentiators between the senses. When selecting appropriate facts to include the notion of prototypes should be accounted for in that any potential distinguisher should ideally describe a first referent of the given sense (op. it. 20). Take glandular it appears in the definition of secretion but it has been omitted from the network. This is because it is not a prototypical characteristic in that not even the majority of secretions are from glandular cells, it is only provided as an example of the kind of cell involved. A further difficulty in selecting distinguishers is deciding what kind of information to include. Definitive information serve to provide the minimum data needed to clarify a concept whilst encyclopedic information attempts to provide all of the facts about a concept.The danger with the latter is that information may be included that does not serve to differentiate that concept from another. I would argue that both kinds of information should be included provided that each fact is part of the sense it iff that fact is relevant to the function of differentiation. Fig. 4) includes information of both kinds and, although I have removed the referent and lexeme classifier for the sake of clarity, it can be considered as the most complete network of senses that relate to colostrum. Fig. 4) Complete hyponymy network for colostrum. Bibliography Hudson, R. (1995). Word Meaning. Padstow Routledge. Palmer, F. R. (1981). Semantics. Bath Cambridge University Press. Stevenson, A. (ed. ) (2007). Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (6th edition). Italy Oxford University Press. Word Count 1693 not including diagrams. 1799 with diagrams 1I have used for quotations rather than to prevent confusion between quotes and senses.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hamptonshire Express Case Essay
1. a. The simulation indicates that 584 is the optimum stocking quantity. Daily profit at this stocking quantity is $331.4346. b. Using the newsvendor model, Cu = 1 0.2 = 0.8 and Co = .2. Cu /(Cu + Co) = .8. Using the spreadsheet, we institute Q* = NORM.INV(.8,500,100) = 584.16. The simulation and newsvendor model give the same optimal stocking quantity.2. a. According to the simulation spreadsheet, 4 hours of investment in creation maximizes daily profit at $371.33. b. Sheen would choose an drift level where the marginal benefit gained by the campaign is equal to her marginal damage of expending the effort. To calculate the effort level, h, we fit marginal cost and marginal benefit. Here (.8 * 50) / (2h) = 10. Solving gives h = 4, or the same as the simulation. c. The optimal profit derived in this scenario is $371.33 per day, which is a $40 outgrowth from the profit derived in enigma 1, of $331.43.3. a. Using the spreadsheet, Ralphs optimal stocking quantity to maximize his profit is 516. b. The optimal stocking quantity differs from problem 2 because Ralph is incurring the cost of overstocking, which changes the critical ratio from .8 in problem 2 to .2. Because of the critical ratio change, Annas profit decreases as Ralphs increases. This is consistent with the Newsvendor Model, which gives Cu=.2, Co=.8, for a critical ratio of .2. Using the formula in the spreadsheet, Q*=NORM.INV(.2,600,100)=515.837, gives the optimal stocking quantity of 516.c. Assuming that we only use whole numbers for her amount of time, Annas optimal effort is 2 hours with a profit of $261.93, a decrease from problem 2 of 4 hours. This is because Anna is now sharing her profit. d. If you decrease the transfer price, Annas effort level also decreases, and Ralph will increase his stocking quantity, adding to his profit. Annas effort level decreases because her profit decreases when Ralph buys the newspapers for less than $0.80. When the transfer price increases, the opposite occ urs Annas effort level increases and there is a decrease in Ralphs stocking quantity and profit.4. a. The optimal stocking quantity is 409 according to the spreadsheet in the simulation, which is a decrease from 516 in problem 3 because in the event that the Express stocks out, Ralph still makes a profit from 40% ofcustomers who will buy the Private. Therefore, because he makes more profit off of the Private, his find decreases because of cost of understocking of the Express. b. For problems 1 and 2 there were no profitable alternatives to understocking, whereas in problem 3, Ralph has a profitable alternative for understocking since 40% of customers will buy the Private.The distinguishable critical ratios from each problem produce a different optimal stocking quantity. c. This decreases his optimal stocking quantity because Ralph is allocating $0.03 to the cost of each newspaper, making his cost of understocking now 1-.83-40%*.4=.01. Co=.83 Critical ratio 0.01/.83= 0.012 Accordin g to the data, the optimal stocking quantity is Q*=NORMINV(.012,500,100).5. a. A lour buy-back price means a lower stocking quantity, because it affects the cost of overstocking. Ralph wants to stock a lower quantity in order to lower his risk of overstocking. The optimal buy-back price is $0.75, which gives a stocking quantity of 659 and channel profits of $369.80. b. The optimal transfer price is $0.99, vainglorious a buy-back price of $0.988, and channel profits of $372.62. However, this is an unrealistic scenario because Ralphs profits are negative at -$24 and Anna is making almost the full $1 price on each sale.The channel profit is very close to the $371.33 profit from problem 2. This is because the transfer price is almost the same as the merchandising price to customers of $1, eliminating Annas cost of under or overstocking. c. If Ralph had to pay a franchise fee, he would no longer have an incentive to understock. Annas effort would remain the same because the marginal be nefit of her effort would not change given the additional fixed profit from Ralphs fee.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Nitric Oxide Therapy in infants with pulmonary hypertension
The benefits of nitrogen oxide (NO) therapy as used in the handling of infants with persistent pulmonic hyper tautness (PPHN) can be best appreciated if the reader is familiar with the pathophysiology of PPHN and the previous methods used in treating the disease. The function of NO has evolved in the minds of the scientific community from being a mere noxious fellate emitted by vehicles to a wonder compound in the field of medicine. In the area of pulmonology, its vasodilatory effect in the crinkle vessels is now being used to assist PPHN patients in rer step uping filiation flow in infants whose blood circulation fails to shift from fetal to normal circulation.Such nature of the compound, being the main ingredient in NO therapy allows for a less incursive summons which in effect reduces risks of complications during and after discussions, expected in previous treatment methods. This reduced risks account for the relatively more cost-effective character of NO therapy as a trea tment method in PPHN patients.There is not much use for the lungs during the fetal life. At much(prenominal) microscope stage, the function of the lungs is carried out by the placenta by means of the umbilical cord. Fetal life is characterized by a high pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) with pulmonary blood flow being restricted to a less than 10% lung-directed cardiac output. Blood vessels that connect the embrace and the lungs are constricted, sending the circulating blood back to the heart through the ductus arteriosus, a blood vessel that functions only in fetuses. In other words, the lungs in the fetal stage are bypassed.At birth, when the lungs finally assume the function of gas exchange, the PVR decreases, allowing for an append in pulmonary blood flow. The blood vessel that is previously constricted, favoring blood flow to the ductus arteriosus is now relaxed, simultaneously with the permanent closure of the ductus arteriosus. This happens as the lungs commence venti lated and the alveolar group O tension is increased. indomitable Pulmonary Hypertansion occurs when at birth, the lung circulation fails to achieve the normal drop in PVR, preventing the transition from fetal to newborn circulation. This failure results in the continuous functioning of the ductus arteriosus which impairs the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen that can be picked up by the blood to be delivered to the different separate of the body. The blood that flows back to the heart remains in an unoxygenated state which could lead to the development of pertinacious hypoxemia, respiratory distress and acidosis.It is only in 1987 when azotic oxide (NO) was recognized as a key endothelial-derived vasodilator molecule. From then, research has been expanded to establish the role of NO throughout the body, and to discover its therapeutic potential. To appreciate the cause of NO in alleviating pulmonary hypertension, it is important to gain und erstanding of its chemistry and mechanism of action.Nitric Oxide is a gassy compound that rapidly diffuses across membranes and has a single unpaired electron. This explains its high reactivity, especially to Hemoglobin (Hb) in the blood. This nature of the compound accounts for its noted biological significance. It has been discovered to function as stimulant in the deviation of hormones as neurotransmitter a significant participant in the magnification of synaptic actions and learning processes and an inhibitor in platelet aggregation, which makes it a marvel in the field of cardiology. In the field of pulmonology, nitric oxide is valued for its vasodilatory effect in the blood vessels.This effect can be explained by the mechanism involving the compounds diffusion from the vascular endothelial cellular phones to the subjacent smooth muscles of the pulmonary vessels. From here, NO activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase to change conformation to promote smooth muscle relaxation by converting GTP to cGMP. This vasodilatory effect signals the mechanism to modulate blood flow and vascular tone.Given the mechanism of action, it is easy to surmise how NO can be utilized as a therapeutic agent in the management of blood-vessel-related diseases such as those related to the heart (hypertension), the reproductive system(erectile dysfunction) and in this case, the lungs (Persistent Pulmonary hypertension in infants (PPHN)).Before NO, treatments used in infant PPHN are hyperventilation, continuous infusion of alkali, tube vasodilation and vasodilator drugs. A study on the make of these various treatments was done by Ellington, Jr., et. al., (2001) showing no specific therapy clearly associated with the reduction in mortality in infants. In determining whether therapies were equivalent, the study showed that hyperventilation reduced the risk of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) with no oxygen increase at 28 days, period alkali infusion increased the use of ECMO as well as an increase in the use of oxygen at 28 days (Ellington, Jr., et. al., 2001). ECMO is a highly invasive procedure that requires major surgery, performed in serious cases of PPHN when patients fail to respond to treatments.It is only after post-lab studies were able to locate the role of NO-cGMP signaling in the regulation of lung circulation that NO therapy was developed for PPHN (Channick, R., et. al., 1994). Like previous treatment methods, NO therapy improves oxygenation as well as reduces the risk of ECMO in infants with PPHN (Oliveira, et. al., 2000). But because nitric oxide is capable of acting on its own upon inhalation to relax the blood vessels and improve circulation, it is considered as a less invasive procedure in the management of infants with PPHN compared to the previous treatments mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.The expertness of the treatment procedure can be determined by observing its effect on the patients ventilation and blood flow, whic h is a determinant of the efficiency of transpulmonary oxygenation and partial pressure of oxygen in the systemic arterial blood (Ichinose, et. al., 2004). NO therapy enhances the mechanism by which blood flow is redistributed toward regions in the lungs with better ventilation and higher intra-alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (Ichinose, et. al., 2004).Other treatments used in the management of PPHN such as tube ventilation, alkalosis and intravenous vasodilators were shown to be effective in ameliorating pulmonary hypertension in some infants, but in many instances, it does not, as ECMO close to always becomes a emergency in saving the life of the infants (Ichinose, et. al., 2004). A type of hyperventilation has been proven not to increase the risk of ECMO, but unlike NO-therapy (Ellington, Jr., et. al., 2001), it is invasive as to require a tube inserted inner(a) the infants trachea.In patients with moderate PPHN, there is an improvement in arterial p a O 2, reduced necessit y of ventilator support and low risk of progression to severe PPHN (Sadiq, et. al., 2003) and this, without the risk of increasing the incidence of unfavourable outcomes when the age of 1 year is reached (Clark, et. al. 2003). Inhaled NO is able to rapidly increase the arterial oxygen tension and increase the blood flow in the lungs without causing systemic hypotension (Roberts, 1992 Kinsella, 1992). No apparent increase in morbidity has been shown after one year of treatment with NO (Aparna and Hoskote, 2008). For high-risk infants with PPHN, inhaled NO has been found to decrease the risk of pulmonary hypertensive crisis (PHTC) after congenital heart surgery (Miller, et. al. 2000).Studies on the role of NO in the management of PPHM show that while it is therapeutic, it also prevents the occurrence of chronic lung disease which affects morbidity. Vascular cell proliferation and pulmonary vascular disease have been shown to decrease with NO in the newborn (Roberts, et. al., 1995). I n addition, while NO treatment can be more costly, it is the most cost-effective among other methods because of the reduced drive for ECMO (Angus, et. al. 2003). For these reasons, it is understandable why NO therapy seems to have taken over in the area of PPHN treatment.ReferencesAngus DC, Clermont G, Watson RS, et al. (2003). Cost-effectiveness of inhaled nitric oxide in the treatment of neonatal respiratory failure in the United States. Pediatrics. 112, 13511360.Aparna U., Hoskote, MD., et. al. (2008). Airway function in infants hard-boiled with inhaled nitric oxide for persistent pulmonary hypertension. Pediatr Pulmonol. 43, 224-235.Channick R, Hoch R, Newhart J, et al. (1994). Improvement in pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia during nitric oxide inhalation in a patient with end-stage pulmonary fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 149, 811-814Clark, RH., Huckaby, JL., et. al. (2003). Low-Dose Nitric Oxide Therapy for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension 1-Year Follow-up. Journa l of Perinatology. 23, 300.Ellington Jr, Marty, OReilly, et. al. (2001). Child Health Status, Neurodevelopmental Outcome, and Parental Satisfaction in a Randomized, Controlled Trial of Nitric Oxide for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn. Pediatrics,107.Ichinose F, Roberts JD, (2004). A Selective Pulmonary Vasodilator Current Uses and Therapeutic Potential. Circulation. 109, 3106-3111. Kinsella JP, Neish SR, Shaffer E, et al. (1992). Low-dose inhalation nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Lancet. 340, 819820.Miller O, Tang SW, et. al. (2000) Inhaled nitric oxide and prevention of pulmonary hypertension after congenital heart surgery A randomised double-blind study. The Lancet. 356 9240, 1464.Oliveira cac, et. al. (2000). Inhaled Nitric oxide in the management of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn a meta-analysis. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S., 55 (4) 145-154, 2000Roberts JD Jr, Polaner DM, Lang P, et al. (1992). Inhaled nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Lancet. 340, 818819.Roberts JD Jr, Roberts CT, Jones RC, et al. (1995). dogging nitric oxide inhalation reduces pulmonary arterial structural changes, right ventricular hypertrophy, and growth retardation in the hypoxic newborn rat. Circ Res. 76, 215-222.Sadiq HF, Mantych G, et. al. (2003). Inhaled Nitric Oxide in the Treatment of Moderate Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn A Randomized Controlled, Multicenter Trial. Journal of Perinatology. 23, (2).98
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Graffiti & art Essay
The word graf traino is basic bothy used to refer to a diversity of art that involves making of images, scrawls, scoures or painting letters on surfaces in various elbow rooms. It has been in existence for years. The use of graffito has sparked debate from two camps. It is regarded both as unsightly and unwanted by critics who pack that defacing anything under the pretext of graffiti is simply a form of vandalism while its supporters involve that it is a worthy way of displaying their messages. IntroductionGraffiti traces its muniment to the ancient Greece and the Roman Emperor. It has since evolved from a simple scratch to the modern spray paints and markers. Graffiti has been used to pass social and political messages for quite along time. ex subroutinely though used as such, it still remains an illegal form in approximately countries in the world. This has led to a lot of protests and debates from simple artists and scholars athe likes of on whether to legalize it or n ot. Questions on the gum elastic of the society with legalized graffiti form headlines in such debates.This essay will because try to country reasons wherefore graffiti should be left to be in our societies due to its numerous positive impacts that go by the negatives. Reasons to Support Graffiti To Preserve Memories The graffiti that are put on stone carvings muckle hinderance for years and years to help pass a message to the future generation on how the history of some ancestral practices. A massage that could have required several words to explain gouge just be put in a single drawing using graffiti.These practices helped revolutionary soldiers to distort their names as surface as those of them who died during the war on monuments for remembrance. Cultures have developed and traditions have been preserved, convey to the graffiti practice. To add onto this it is also reported in (Reda Joseph, 2006) that those countries that are actively involved in the forwarding of g raffiti have even earned themselves international recognition for example Brazil, which boasts of unique and rich graffiti scenes This has made the country to be considered a centre of inspiration for modern graffiti artists (Lost Art & Caleb Neelon, 2007, 7). seed of Income The art has been used for decades and decades for the economic advantage of its players. Those individuals that need to have some information sent to the public, or want to uplift the facial look of their premises, cars or any other asset of theirs have to set about with some money in return for the services done to them. The artists in this case have therefore benefited a great deal from such payments. There have been reported cases of schools being established to memorise those who aspire to have graffiti as a professional course.This has in turn made the instructors to dislodge the societal perception of graffiti apart from gaining from the payments of the courses. The spread escalated in the years 1960s when it was incorporated in the hip hop, rap and rock culture by the then artist (Peter Shapiro) . With this positive reception of the graffiti culture, a lot of exhibitions have been organized leading to staggering sums of money for the artists as well as organizers. Graffiti culture has been picked up by almost everyone in the society.Reported of late in most if not all countries is the graffiti sported on buildings, trains and cars. This shows that the business is not just about to fade away, just now needs to be embraced in the modern society then defined well enough to fit perfectly in any given modern setting. This spread has also led to a fresh founded wave of creativity and a more professional approach to graffiti. Graffiti also sparks innovation. With the emerging genius of competition in the practice, only technology tail assembly help one artist to ride oer the others.Modern experimentation has seen the incorporation of some additional arts and technologies as those s een in the graffiti writers in the latest media, where they use projected images and magnetic light emitting diodes (K. Varnedoe and A. Gopnik, 1991). Radical and Political Use For the voiceless, the oppressed, the socially challenged and all these flock who happen disadvantaged in one way or another, graffiti offers a way out to help them address their views. Graffiti is just one tool of expressing resistance to a system of for example governance.In 1990s, graffiti resurfaced with a new look and a refreshed objective, it became more cogitate on political matters more than social oppression. Academic and other Uses of Graffiti Contemporary analysts as well as art critics both agree on the artistic value of graffiti and are introduce with it as a public art which making it a basic necessity for social freedom or for achievement of a political goals. In case of a conflict in the society, graffiti outhouse be used to bring dialogue and address cleavage between the warring group s.The capital of Northern Ireland and Los Angeles murals have been used to this effect to offer a mode of communication and self expression for those who feel ethnically, socially and racially alienated. Campaigns against moral degradation or any other unaccepted social practice can easily be done using graffiti. When coupled with a bit of stenciling of one or more colors the, the message appears more concrete. This form of advance graffiti was used by artists like Mathangi Arulpragasam, John Fekner and Lucy Lippard, to address decaying environmental concern, political and social issues in their times.Conclusion The life of all tender-hearted beings is influenced by three main factors that is, the need to act in a socially accepted manner, to do what one feels near about at that particular time and to maximize ones resources. Without motivating people to act responsibly in any social setting, the first two factors become top priorities. These are the reasons why graffiti has taken a strong root in the current society and has made a stable foundation instead of just fading away it is seen to be spreading with time.Graffiti has helped people who seek anonymity, but want to give out an opinion to the public on a tender matter. Since permanent graffiti is considered a criminal offense, one can resort to the use of non-permanent paints to make it awkward for the police to apprehend. Because after all there is a possibility that such temporary graffiti can as well last for a long time than even the permanent works depending on how the community view the artists work. Graffiti has evolved to an elaborate painting of letters which is taken as a complete art form with its own aesthetics, particularly the graffiti murals.But it still faces a major opposition from several quarters, from those who treat it as public nuisanceto them it means to deface the good landscape and degrades the community. And the fact that it is illegal makes it unpopular in the eyes of the pu blic. The commercial billboards and numerous advertisements that are sight in the public space have to be considered if graffiti should be banned. And if the relevant authorities claim that such companies who own them pay tax, then they need to allow graffiti on walls if graffiti artists can find some sponsors like stores, restaurants and other businesses.Or alternatively, such authorities should just let the so called public spaces be made use of by graffiti without charging them. As a final remark, it can be said that, yes Graffiti is a revolution, and just like any other revolution it competency be taken to be a criminal offense. But it also has to be in everyones mind that people who are oppressed, depressed or suppressed require an outlet, and graffiti offers them this. So let these people write on walls.Just like clearing the homeless off the streets is not sustainable solution homelessness, erasing graffiti in itself is an act in futility. (Sara Rudin) Work Cited Art Crimes by Sara Rudin http//www. wm. edu/so/ get up/spring96/graffiti. html. Is the Writing on the Wall for Graffiti, PR impertinents Wire (2004-07-28). And Jail for leader of graffiti gang. BBC News (2008-07-11). Retrieved on 21st November, 2008. En Cams A History of Graffiti in Its ingest Words, New York Magazine Press release. K. Varnedoe and A. Gopnik.High and Low Modern Art and Popular Culture. New York The Museum of Modern Art, 1991. Lost Art & Caleb Neelon Graffiti Brazil. London Thames and Hudson, 2005, 7. Peter Shapiro Rough Guide to pelvic girdle Hop, 2nd. ed. , London Rough Guides, 2007. Reda, Joseph (April 25, 2006). Bill/Resolution O06037. County Council Passed Legislation. Council of New Castle County, Delaware Retrieved on 21st November 2008. thematic scheme on the urban environment European Parliament resolution on the thematic strategy on the urban environment (2006/2061(INI))
Saturday, May 18, 2019
50 First Dates – Movie
50 first base Dates The movie Im writing my paper on is 50 First Dates. Its round a guy named henry trying to build a romantic relationship with a missy named Lucy. How they went through there ups and downs in forming that relationship. Henry at first was in to short-term attractions to the tourist and real disclosed. He was afraid of commitment because of what he went through in college. He would jump from oneness familiar attraction to another not think any(prenominal)thing of it.While Lucy who had a mental disorder called Goldfield Syndrome, which made her lose her short-term memory. Really had no chose on being in a relationship because she wouldnt remember the somebody the next twenty-four hour period. That would all change the moment Henry first sawing machine her in a cafe. Henry at first was into hooking up with the tourist women knowing that they were leaving soon. He had a share of short-term initials with those women. He would show them a good time while they w ere on vacation and past lie to them about who he was so they wouldnt look for him.Henry didnt really seem resembling he wanted to fall in love with anyone because of his girlfriend in college breaking his heart. He was very disclosed to these ladies not letting his feelings get out there. Lucy on the other hand had no relationships with any one because of the disorder. If she got to know someone one day she would forget him the very next day. A stratum before she was in a car accident which caused her to lose her short-term memory.She was living the same day for over a year with the help of her family lying to her about what day and year it was. So one day Henry went to eat breakfast at this local cafe when he laid his look on Lucy. He had a physical attraction to her the very first time he saw her. Lucy was sitting in a booth making a pancake house when Henry distinguishable to walk over there and compliment her on the design. They hit it off very well at the beginning and st arted to talk while they ate breakfast. They had a lot of similarity from the
Friday, May 17, 2019
By the nine divines What did you just joint about me, you little skeever exceptt? Ill entertain you bang I graduated top of my class in the College of Winterhold, and Ive been know to cast wiz hell of a fireball, and I redeem over 300 confirmed summons. I am trained in daedric warfare and Im the swords master of the entire Imperial forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will make you beg to Akatosh as I bend you over like a common whelp, mark my words, on my oath as the Dovakin. You think you can get along into my mind though this magic device and insult me? Think again,scum.As we speak I have either assassin and thief across all of Tamriel looking for your initial position so you better rig out for the storm atronach,you drauger. The storm atronach that wipes out the pathetic little husk you call your life. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my dragon shouts non only am I extensively trained in a rchery and horseback riding, but I have access to the entire congregation of the thieves guild, dark brotherhood, Mages college, and untold hordes of deadric warriors, and I will use every one of them to banish you to the plane of oblivion..If only you could have had the clairvoyance to see what divine retribution your little able runes were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue you dark skin. But you couldnt, you didnt, and now youre stipendiary the price, you goddamn idiot. I will become the embodiment of Mehrunes Dagon, and open a portal to oblivion the likes of which you have never seen. Youre fucking dead, milk-drinker.
English Is Fun
As cities create vastger and elevator cars little expensive, the leans of automobiles on the highway ar credibly to increase, worsening the task of trade over-crowding. As more than people move to the edge of town and cities, barter over-crowding may get to worse. numerous people will drive their cars into the city centre to get work. To address this, governments need to ensure that in that location argon fewer cars on the bridle-paths, but individuals must do their part in support of ordained measures. There are terce ways to reduce traffic congestion which is by alter the path root, car pooling and awareness campaign.The first way that is suitable to bring forth an action is by improving the road infrastructure. In this case, the government should take part which is they have to make an alternative ways or road. This is because there are many people that used the same road in e very(prenominal) day especially in a big city. By adding the alternative road, the drug user burn choose either adept of road that they want to use. It rear rile the road become less crowded and the traffic congestion can be reduced. Besides that, wider the size of line at the road. For example, from two line become third line.When the roads are become bigger, all the vehicle can move smoothly. Improving the road infrastructure can help to reduce the traffic congestions task in a big cities. Secondly, the ways to reduce traffic congestion is carpooling or communion car with friend. Nobody likes to sit in traffic. By car pooling, youre doing your part to reduce the number of cars on the road. The more people who make that choice, the less traffic congestion there will be. flock in big cities like Kuala Lumpur is more prefer using their own car.Imagine that if there are have 50 000 people, it is mean there are have 50 000 car or transport on the road. It will affect the bad hassle on the road like traffic congestion. If we sharing car with friends or carpooling, it will decrease an come of car or transport on the road and can reduce this problem. Make sure during we are sharing car, we must to maximum people at least 4 until 5 person in car or more than one based on type of car. Other than that, with using this alternative, the eon will not wasting and also decrease the mail pollution because there are a few car and transport were used and produce less of smoke.Take for example, we are going to work by sharing car with our neighbours and friends, so that the traffic congestion problem can we repeal because only a few of them are use car. Thus, carpooling or sharing car with friend is the way to reduce traffic congestion. One of the way to solve the traffic congestion is to fix the awareness campaign. A traffic swot may cause people waste a great deal of time if the condition is worst and lastly ended up with late to work or to school. So, is very important for society to put in mind that to plan their time when they got o ut effectively to avoid by getting stuck in the midway in the road.A worker should choose to go to earlier or walk to the workplace if possible. In conclusion, improving the road infrastructure, car pooling and awareness campaign are the three ways to reduce the traffic congestions problem in the big cities. Only by the combination of government policy and the word sense by individuals of the responsibility for the problems related to the increasing number of cars in cities, can help to reduce this problem from keep happen. It is when individuals make a commitment to change that policy measures can be effectively implemented. side of meat Is FunAs cities become bigger and cars less expensive, the numbers of automobiles on the road are likely to increase, worsening the problem of traffic congestion. As more people move to the edge of town and cities, traffic congestion may get worse. Many people will drive their cars into the city centre to get work. To address this, governments n eed to ensure that there are fewer cars on the roads, but individuals must do their part in support of official measures. There are three ways to reduce traffic congestion which is by improving the road infrastructure, car pooling and awareness campaign.The first way that is suitable to take an action is by improving the road infrastructure. In this case, the government should take part which is they have to built an alternative ways or road. This is because there are many people that used the same road in every day especially in a big city. By adding the alternative road, the user can choose either one of road that they want to use. It can make the road become less crowded and the traffic congestion can be reduced. Besides that, wider the size of line at the road. For example, from two line become three line.When the roads are become bigger, all the vehicle can move smoothly. Improving the road infrastructure can help to reduce the traffic congestions problem in a big cities. Secon dly, the ways to reduce traffic congestion is carpooling or sharing car with friend. Nobody likes to sit in traffic. By car pooling, youre doing your part to reduce the number of cars on the road. The more people who make that choice, the less traffic congestion there will be. People in big cities like Kuala Lumpur is more prefer using their own car.Imagine that if there are have 50 000 people, it is mean there are have 50 000 car or transport on the road. It will affect the bad problem on the road like traffic congestion. If we sharing car with friends or carpooling, it will decrease an amount of car or transport on the road and can reduce this problem. Make sure during we are sharing car, we must to maximum people at least 4 until 5 person in car or more than one based on type of car. Other than that, with using this alternative, the time will not wasting and also decrease the air pollution because there are a few car and transport were used and produce less of smoke.Take for exam ple, we are going to work by sharing car with our neighbours and friends, so that the traffic congestion problem can we avoid because only a few of them are use car. Thus, carpooling or sharing car with friend is the way to reduce traffic congestion. One of the way to solve the traffic congestion is to organize the awareness campaign. A traffic jam may cause people waste a lot of time if the condition is worst and eventually ended up with late to work or to school. So, is very important for society to put in mind that to plan their time when they got out effectively to avoid by getting stuck in the middle in the road.A worker should choose to go to earlier or walk to the workplace if possible. In conclusion, improving the road infrastructure, car pooling and awareness campaign are the three ways to reduce the traffic congestions problem in the big cities. Only by the combination of government policy and the acceptance by individuals of the responsibility for the problems related to the increasing number of cars in cities, can help to reduce this problem from keep happen. It is when individuals make a commitment to change that policy measures can be effectively implemented.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Management Report on Effective International Management Essay
Management Report on Effective Inter subject Management - Essay ExampleThis, in essence, suggests that management strategies and controls effective in single country may not necessarily be effective in another country (or flat dysfunctional or completely ineffective). Such cross-cultural expirations may arise internally, for instance by influencing the work-related behaviors of true employees, and the interface between external labor market and the system, such(prenominal) as retaining and recruiting employees. In the past, scholars have reason numerous empirical studies focusing on the relationship between the subject atomic number 18a culture and the various aspects of management, such as strategic decision-making and long-term planning. However, only a portion of these studies critically examines the relation between national culture and effective planetary management of organizations. Such studies are limited in use, especially when aim the structure and operation of co ntrol management in multinational organizations (Higgs). The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive managerial report to the senior management of an information and technology company operating in China and France, emphasizing on effective international management for optimal and successful operation of the organization in the devil countries. Introduction The debate over the organizational need for multinational enterprises to become progressively similar to those in the subsidiary stations as been persistent. Determining factors such as the growing greatness of multinational enterprises, technological convergence, and the institutionalization of international corporate standards such as the ERP system and the ISO 9000 contribute to isomorphic tendencies of multinationals. In recent times however, some researchers claim that the global spread of managerial concepts such as decentalisation and downsizing, as well as shareholder-value concepts are increasingly making organizations similar in a global context. However, a faction of other researchers has opposed the views of isomorphism, emphasizing on the resilience of national cultures. According to them, the difference of institutions at the national level results in persistent heterogeneity among other organizations in different countries, unheeding of operating in the same industry and subject to similar external influences (Adler, Doklor, and Redding, 2001297). From this viewpoint, in different national contexts, effective international management should have significant different results at the organizational level. Such studies are contradictory, especially in efforts to determine which perspective receives the backing of empirical tests. Framing the issue of effective international management in such instances as either leading to divergence or convergence seems homogeneous a rhetoric trick, but it an excellent starting point for this management report. This paper seeks to examine crit ically the aspects of management with emphasis on multinational organizations in China and France, with emphasis on the national cultures of the two countries, as well as external factors such as business policies and regulations (Higgs). China China is among the wide recognized countries currently experiencing vast profitability and economic growth. The country is capable of producing goods more efficiently and in effect than most of the other countries in the world. The country has a Gross Domestic Product
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
E-Commerce and E-Business Fundamentals (Business Report on WH SMITHS) Essay
E-Commerce and E-Business Fundamentals (Business Report on WH SMITHS) - Essay ExampleIn addition, the corporations that cater to the requirements of media ar more probable to obtain regular reporting as well as minimize the potential for errors in published stories. Moreover, the online press rooms are working as hubs for organizations, presetting the product information, latest news and visual elements to facilitate them discover recognize products and services. In the scenario to enhance the online disdain corporations are now trying redevelop their business strategies. This report presents a lucubrate analysis of WH Smiths web based business re-development process and expected potential enhancements. Additionally, this report will pass a new and much better online strategy regarding the potential enhancement in the customary online business practice of the WH Smiths. This report will also present suggestions that can enhance the WH Smiths business and offer better competitiv e edge to the business.Business industry is by no promoter an exception to internet love in view of the fact that, with the passage of time, the online business is turning out to be an exhortation. The online business means that people can buy and pay from home and even while sitting in their chamber via an internet equipped PC or laptop. The universal wave of information technologies (ITs) development and implementation has sullen out to be a driving force in approximately every part of humanity job. In this scenario, the internet that is a main element of this global wave has been transformed into a double-edged weapon offering a lot of opportunities, facilities, tools, and capabilities to individuals and corporations (Salifu, 2008). Liam (2009) stated that growing amount of people who make utilise of the internet is showing to be a boon intended for businesses that are interested in expanding their disturb to the online community. Additionally, the huge number of internet c lients shows a huge potential customer base that is there
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